Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fashion Around the World, the Experience Awaitz

Image Credit 

Being in the fashion world, different countries each contribute their own culture to create new styles.  Traveling would be a dream of mine, yet I still have fear of leaving the country and going into the unknown.  As a special guest, I would like to introduce the blog, IUSB Over Seas. A blog that is filled with not only testimonials, but other shared experiences and information about international travel.

Going back to 2013, there are tons of blog posts based on personal experiences and ideas those who have or want to travel blog about.  Though the writing is very professional, there are still some personal touches from those who shared their personal experiences.  Pictures of foreign countries are posted through out the blog that will take your breath away.  The lay out is very simple and easy to navigate.  True to Indiana University spirit, the colors are red and white.  It also has a tool bar that allows for more information about the programs, leaders, and office hours for those who want to take a step forward in the program.

College is the perfect time to take a leap and visit a foreign country.  Financial aid is available to help students, fundraising, and so much more.  Videos are also posted showing the amazing experiences from a different view point, engaging readers and sharing the experiences.  This main purpose of these blogs are not to force people to travel, but to allow people who are curious and afraid, like me, to explore the possibilities.

With all the hate and violence in the world right now, traveling can be scary. Paris being attacked, people being deported, traveling can be a safety concern.  However, the various tools and other websites linked to the blogs allow for those concerns to be heard and answered.  Indiana University makes it a priority that all international programs and study abroad trips are safe, secure, and lead by great leaders.

After reading people that traveled and went to a new place with new people, it makes me want to travel and makes me feel safer about traveling out of the country.  The experiences and little tastes of what others were able to experience, leaves me wanting more. Though the world is not all about fashion, it would be interesting to take a look into other cultures.  No better way to experience other cultures than to travel to the culture itself.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Q&A Dayz

This past week has been Spring Break for many college students.  Spring Break is a great start to spring clean our closets and freshen up our wardrobe.

With the winter months out of the way, the weather will become warmer and colors will become more vibrant.  Here are some question and answers about Spring clothes and colors, saying goodbye to Winter, and so much more.

Q. When should I start changing my style?
A.  There is such thing as Fall clothes, Winter clothes, Spring clothes, and Summer clothes.  Once Spring Break hits, it is time to put away the fluffy boots and heavy layers.  Also, time to add more color to match the sunshine and blue sky.  Slowly start by removing layers such as scarves, heavy jackets, and snow hats.  Add things such as bomber jackets and floral print.

Q.  What colors are considered "Spring"?
A.  Spring is full of yellow sunshine and blue skies.  Pastel colors, such as baby blue, lavender, and pale yellow are Spring colors.  Also, light jeans and white slacks with brown and tan shoes are now ready to wear.

Q.  With the weather becoming warmer, what is considered "appropriate"?
A.  With the weather becoming warmer, shorts, tanks, and flip flops come into style.  However, in college, most rooms have AC and can be cold.  And too short of shorts and too low and revealing tanks can be inappropriate.  Remember the "finger tip" length when wearing shorts and skirts and also the "four finger" rule with tanks.  You are still in school, so just be respectful.

Q. How should I layer with this odd weather?
A. With the weather being cooler in the mornings and warmer in the evenings, layering is a must.  Light weight pants instead of heavy jeans.  Or, capris and crop pants.  Rolling the bottom of your jeans can be a cute, DIY capris pants.  Also, adding a light jacket or bomber jacket to a t-shirt can help.  You can always take off the jacket and roll up your jeans.

Spring is such a fun time, full of Easter dresses and brighter colors.  Please feel free to ask me any other questions, in either the comments or by email.

Photo credit and other outfit ideas at SpringOutfits

Friday, March 3, 2017

Q&A Dayz

Every Friday will be Question and Answer day!

Any questions viewers have, I will answer and even give examples.  Every few days I will upload a 3-5minute video or new blog post answering all sorts of questions, from fashion do's, fashion don't's, and everything in between.  I will answer questions from the comment sections or if people send me an email, serenajanderson18@gmail.com.

Today I will answer some questions about jewelry.  The difference between statement pieces and how much jewelry is too much.

For more videos, check out my youtube page and feel free to ask questions or leave feedback.

Statment jewelry can be expensive, however, Poshmark and Mercari are both resale apps that people can download on their cellphones and can easily shop.  Anywhere from jewelry, clothes, to shoes, can be bought on these websites and can be very inexpensive.  Also, people can sell their own items and trade.  It is an easy way for college students to make money and buy stylish and named brand items for less.

Friday, February 24, 2017


Colors play a major role in clothes.  Too much and not enough can make or break an outfit.  Depending on the occasion, color can have a positive or negative effect on the outcome.  Wearing too many bright colors can also be negative.

Most common, and safe colors to wear are neutral with a slight pop of color.

For a job interview, black dress pants, black skirt, and black shoes are a go to.  For the shirt, there are three main colors to stick with, white, blue, or a shirt with small red or yellow contrasts.  It can be difficult to know which colors mix well, check out the color whee to learn more.

Black is a color associated with elegance and power.  It also also is a neutral color that matches with all the colors.  White is the color of perfection and cleanliness.  Make sure if you wear white, it is clean.  No yellow pits, stains, or fading.  Blue is a great color to wear to a job interview because the color is associated with trust and loyalty.  Adding more defining colors, such as red or yellow needs to be restricted.  Red is associated with energy, strength, and power, but also anger and danger.  Too much red could be too overbearing.  Yellow is a great color in modesty also, it brings happiness and energy.  However, yellow can be bright and could be "a warning" sign of danger.

When going to a job interview, is it best to tone down.  Wear one jewelry item, either a watch, statement necklace, or bracelet, but not all three at once.

For class, the goal is to be casual and comfy.  Neural colors of grey, black, and brown give a comfy feel and a calming feel.  Green, such as dark green or olive green are great colors to add.  These are all colors found in nature, which is associated with calming and freshness.  Too many bright colors can be distracting to out mind.  Adding a pop of a color, such as an orange or purple can add to positive energy and mind simulation.

Mixing and match can be fun, but too much is not good.  Be careful not to mix too many bright colors, such as yellow and red.  Yellow and red are okay in moderation on their own, but brightly paired together, can be distracting and also cause hunger.  Just remember, what colors are McDonalds and Burger King?

It is good to pay attention to the color wheel and wear contrasting colors.

image credit:  frisky

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Confidence in Clothz

Whether it be noticeable or not, clothing has an effect on our moods and on our confidence.  When you look good, you feel good.  When you wear big, baggy, comfy clothes, you feel groggy.  The clothes give off a bedtime feel, and that reflects our mood.  When we feel put together, we act put together.  A simple nice pair of jeans or slacks and a causal top can do wonders to our confidence.

There are must haves to every college students wardrobe.  Every one should have a business casual outfit, a dressy outfit, and simple clothing items that can be mixed and matched for multiple styles and wardrobes.  What we wear can be easily changed by subtracting and adding pieces.

For an example, instead of wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, wearing a pair of dark jeans with a t-shirt accompanied with a scarf or a watch could turn a slouchy outfit into a more casual outfit and more respected outfit.

I love feeling comfortable, and wore work out clothes to class all the time.  However, what I wore reflected a lazy appearance, which ended up causing me to lose a job opportunity.  I had one class with a guest speaker who had the power to hand out jobs to any one he felt would be a great candidate.  Because I was wearing work out clothes and he was dressed in a suit, I felt less superior and almost embarrassed.  I did not feel confident talking to him.  When I finally expressed some of my thoughts to him, I was so nervous and embarrassed, I could not even make eye contact because I was so worried about how my clothes reflected on me. Though he liked my ideas, some one who wore sweaty looking jogging clothes did not make a great impression.  To this day, I know if I would have cared a little more about my appearance, I may have gotten an amazing job.

I do not want any one to feel as if they have to change who they are or that only appearances matter.  I want to express the importance of self presentation and the effect it has on ourselves and others.  College of all places is the time to impress, dress to impress.

Some must haves a college student should have in their closet is
For Women

  • Black shoes
  • Black pants
  • Dark jeans
  • Black and white cami's
  • Neutral colored cardigan
  • Blouses of different colors
  • Statement pieces

For Men

  • Black shoes
  • Black pants
  • Dark jeans
  • White and black t-shirts
  • Collard button up
  • Neutral sweater or jacket
  • Statement pieces

These simple articles of clothing can be mix and matched to create different outfits, or to wear alone to keep things comfy, but casual.  Adding a statement piece, such as a necklace, watch, or cuff links, can dress up an outfit.  Neutral colors keep thing calm, but adding a touch of color can also add a bold statement!

Just be careful on colors, because colors can be blinding!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Why Clothing Countz

College is known for pulling all nighters and going to class in pajamas.  However, college is the last stepping stone until we reach the waters of our professional lives.  The clothes we wear reflect our potential and have an effect on our confidence and mindset.

Going to class in sweatpants and a hoodie can be so comfortable, but that can make us feel even more tired.  Or, there might be a guest speaker during lecture, a speaker who has the ability to give you an internship, but sweatpants are not a great first impression.  Live by the quote, "Look good, feel good".

From class, to presentations, interviews, and internships, what you wear is important.  Mixing and matching, color combinations, and other aspects can make or break an outfit.  I will give the best advice possible to insure the proper attire needed for different situations.

College is the most important time period in someone's life because of the potential college holds.  In high school, I could careless with that I looked like and was more focused on hanging out with friends.  Now being in college, my main focus is to do well in class and create a future for myself.  I cannot wear what I wore in high school and expect to make a very good first impression.  In order to reach one's full potential, confidence is needed.  Clothing is the one aspect that holds the power to confidence.

Clothes can be expensive, but simple tips and tricks can be useful in maintaining a versatile wardrobe.  There are online shopping cites and phone apps that can be very useful is saving money.  It is easy to interchange clothing items to stretch a small wardrobe to last a long time.

Being stylish is not a difficult task and can be one
small change that can help boost our confidence and show our potential.